Our Mission
The mission of Christian Family Counseling Center is to restore, educate and strengthen people through professional mental health services that integrate a gracious Christian perspective with psychological principles, striving to help those in need regardless of their ability to pay.
Our History
The Christian Family Counseling Center was founded in Lawton, OK in 1985 by Dell Tyson as an independent, non-profit organization. The Center is governed by a Board of Directors made up of men and women from Southwest Oklahoma communities. We are a United Way Agency of Southwest Oklahoma.
Since it’s inception the Center has been providing a wide array of outpatient mental health care to adults, adolescents and children with personal and family needs and hurts. Last year clients came to the Center from fourteen counties in Southwest Oklahoma. The first year of operation we provided 592 counseling sessions. We have experienced steady growth through the years, expanding our staff in order to meet the demand for our services. We currently help 3,000 people each year, providing close to 7,000 counseling sessions. Historically around one half of our clients are helped at Reduced Fees or No Fee for service.